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  • cdaebig

Managing the Whirlwind

Working through classes 5304 & 5317 proved to be the most difficult for me so far. I did not complete enough discussion posts in either class. I could have done more in this area and will look to improve as I advance into the next two courses. Appropriately, my readings included 4DX and managing the whirlwind. Very applicable in my life especially this past 8 weeks as my family battled many personal issues. Most of my work was done with a heavy heart, in the evening hours with a very large part done on the weekends.

I did watch the videos embedded in both courses. I attended many of the class meetings and I reviewed the tape of the ones I missed. I worked very hard, contributing all my free time to the classwork. My shortcomings in the discussion posts were due to limited responses. These limited responses were my own fault as my threads came in later than most and therefore, generated less conversation. When my posts got limited engagement, it began to feel like I was just doing busy work. Again, this was my own fault.

I did the pile of readings and met with my group multiple times throughout. I know that Melanie,

Claudia, Anna, & Eboni all were probably more of a help to me than I was to them. I did make myself available and I answered all texts and email questions that were asked. I do appreciate my group; they did help to make the journey feel not so lonesome. I must improve in the team setting in the next rotation.

I struggled figuring out how to move forward often these past 8 weeks. I did learn from the coursework. I feel as though we are doing quite well in our building with several of the lessons that were covered in this class.

I have enjoyed developing my e-portfolio throughout these classes. I have been meeting with our building principal and our Instructional Facilitator every other week we visit the innovation proposal regularly and have been working on development of ideas moving forward. They have helped to guide me on this journey as well. Our meetings will continue throughout the entire implementation process.

Overall, I am satisfied with where I am at. I believe that I can always do better, and I love the opportunity to reflect. I’m a little gun shy as sometimes I feel like I am hitting a home run and get called out on a pop fly behind the plate! Rest assured, I will continue to grow and learn. Give up is not something I understand. I have a hard time judging solely on content, but I understand effort is difficult to judge.

I believe that my entire team deserves high marks 100%. They truly are amazing individuals who are doing a great job managing busy life schedules with college. I also appreciate the flexibility of both instructors as they have worked with me as I worked to help my wife as she battled with her health issues. I am usually my own harshest critic. I believe that effort is valued high. I have put ample, efforts into my learning and would score myself very high (93-98%). However, my collaborative efforts with my team could improve and I would score myself in the (73-78%) range. Averaging them out, I believe that my score should land around an 86%. Thank you for all you have done to help me through this journey.

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