Skyscrapers. The race for the sky did not happen without refined ideas. Innovative ideas need to be carefully planned and adjusted along the way. Here is the first draft of my implementation outline for a hybrid blended learning construction trades class. ​
Research - Fall 2021
Research Blended Learning Models to determine the proper fit.
Station Rotation Model​
Lab Rotation Model
Flipped Classroom
Review Online Learning Management Systems​
Career Connections​
Google Classroom
Meet with local coaches​
Instructional Facilitator
Mentor Teacher
Planning - Spring/Summer 2022
Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
Goals. Short-term and Long-term goals need to be set for success.
Student Centered Goals​
Teacher Centered Goals
LMS Selection & Trainings​
Career Connections​
Google Classroom
Work with Paraprofessional on new concepts and delivery​
What are our roles as teachers​
What are our expectations of our students?
What determines success?​
What does not yet look like?
Prepare Educational Pathways​​
Assessments Pre/Post​
Assessments Pre/Post​
Develop Reflections - Surveys​​
Meet with local coaches​
Instructional Facilitator
Mentor Teacher
Implementing/Learning - Fall 2022
What is blended learning?
Why are we doing this?
What are our roles?
Teacher/Student Expectations. Count on me and I will count on you.
Share with parents/guardians as well​​
Launch the learning!​
Establish groups for rotations​
try student developed first.​
may need to alter based off from skill levels.
Modify if needed​​
Launch Reflections after 1st Marking Period
Adjust (if needed) for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Marking Periods.​
Include fellow teachers in your learnings.​
Meetings/Professional Development Opportunities.​
Continue to meet with local coaches​.
Instructional Facilitator
Mentor Teacher
Reflections Fall 2022 thru Spring 2023
Compare Overall Student Achievements​
Pre-Blended to Now​
Pre/Post Tests​
Credentials Earned
Ongoing ​​
Reflections at the end of each quarter​
Continue to meet with local coaches​. What is working? What is not?
Instructional Facilitator
Mentor Teacher
Moving Forward - Fall 2023-Spring 2024
Continue to monitor and reflect
​Make adjustments where/when needed​
Model successes for colleagues
Professional Development​
Share successes and "not yet" moments
Encourage peers and offer support
I am excited to implement new ideas into an already solid learning community. The base of all successful endeavors is the relationship. Once the relationship is formed based off from trust & accountability then the community will move forward and embrace change as an opportunity not an obstacle. We will be implementing a blended model with some individualized paths for students to choose. We will continue to improve upon our growth mindset using models developed in this class. I look forward to these transformations as we navigate through the process!
Inspirational Links