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Innovation Proposal

Dear Bernard & Heidi,


The construction industry is very large with many different career paths involved.  My job as an instructor is to expose students to as many of these opportunities as possible.  Often, it is easy to get lost in the mundane and scratch just the surface.  Students receive quality education, but it is superficial.  We are in the process of turning to EBR in the classroom, which is a step in the right direction, but we can create more, a deeper, individualized instruction that will suit the needs of each student.  One size fits all does not work for everything.


I typically wear size large/xl shirt, trust me when I say you do not want to see me in a small!  This being the case, why would we force a student who wishes to be a plumber to synthesize masonry concepts?  We must continue to give all students superficial education in all areas but allow them a choice for a deeper instruction/exploration into the career of their own interest.  Imagine a class that a student can chart their own path!  If it is freezing out and a small sweatshirt is all that is available, I’m using it, but it would be much nicer to have one that fits.  It is the same with career pathways. 


I am proposing to pilot the use of a blended model to aid in the individual directed education; to create job ready workers in chosen areas.

·         Students will gain exposure in all areas in construction including safety early in the schoolyear (September-December)

·         Students will direct their own education through the middle of the schoolyear using the blended model (January-March)

·         Advisory partners will help to identify important research/learning for each specialty category.

·         Advisory partners will aid in some hands-on or virtual opportunities as the middle season ends.

·         Students will come back together to conclude the schoolyear (March-May) Focus in the conclusion time is representative of trades coming together to complete a project.

·         Post schoolyear, the students will be job ready for their chosen profession within the trades.


Construction is a job that has individual components that fit within a team structure.  There are many moving parts on a jobsite.  Imagine an industry where workers understand how the parts work while they focus on their individual tasks.  We can initiate a change in education where students can choose their own paths and specialize.


This pilot will constantly be evolving with a capacity of many different career paths.  My vision is to have a basic plan with a few options available by the end of this schoolyear.  In the next 2-3 years partners come on board to help add different path choices.  Year 4-5 I would like to be able to present a successful model to my peers at the Michigan Construction Teachers Association Conference.  My vision is that this model will help all High School level construction programs offer individualized specialized direction for their students.  Perhaps it would even spread to other programs along the way!  I’m asking that you consider this opportunity to enhance education in the construction classroom using a combination of blended learning and individualized education.



Christopher D. Aebig

Lemon Tree





N-Never Give Up



The Lemon Tree model is an impactful description of a journey to a career in an  individuals life.

The roots represent values instilled from birth, usually by family.  These keep the tree steady.

The trunk is the general education received as you navigate through grade school.  The branches represent talents and paths for individualized careers.  This is a conduit from Birth to Career.

The harvest is the fruits of your labor.  Retrieve them in a negative light and you will be stuck with a sour product. If you add positivity, and excitement the Lemons turn into an enjoyable, useful item. 

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