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Defeating Inconsistent Scheduling & Attendance with Consistent Procedures using a Blended Learning Environment



Goal/Mission: To create a classroom model that will create consistency by providing an environment where student achievement can be basic or endless based off from the effort and maximizing the given time.


Step #1: 2022/23 Schoolyear - Collect Real Data & Initiate Takeoff Individually


·     ​In order to provide ongoing support to our teachers as they work towards providing a blended learning environment, we will need to collect real data.  This will exemplify the why. 

·     The instructional facilitator will be an integral part of this initiative as he or she will be the go-to as we implement.

·     The new initiative will be deployed by our academic team members in their own classrooms and the kinks will be worked out prior to deploying building wide. 

·     Academic team will meet monthly to share strengths and weaknesses of their implementation. 

·     Upon the completion, the team will prepare for a full launch at the beginning of the next schoolyear.


Step #2: August 2023 - Train the Teachers in the building & launch initiatives


·     Academic Team will design a "Show and Go" presentation that is specific to the identified initial group. 

·     Academic Team will deploy this as a class to their peer teachers through Google Classroom.

·     Teachers will have to complete a sample lesson on how to build a raft and river survival

·     During staff development week, the Academic team will train the group by using "Show & Go" Google Classroom procedures. 

·     The Teachers, not a part of the Academic Team, will be working on these sample lessons individually (We are counting on a few not taking it seriously and not completing the assignments)

·     All staff will board a bus to the river where there will be supplies to build a raft and items necessary for river survival.  All teachers who have completed the assigned work will be prepared, those who did not will be behind.

·     There will be a brief clarification moment for any questions from the completers.  After that, they can begin the build while the non-completers get their lesson delivered.

·     Upon completion of the lesson, the teams’ completers & non-completers will join to form teams and complete the building of the rafts.

·     All teams will board their rafts and float down the river to

      their safe destination.

·     After all teams have arrived at the destination safely a

      debriefing will occur (led by the academic team) and

       lunch will be served.

·     All staff will be bussed back to the school.




Step #2 is the focus of the Implementation Project














Maintenance will deliver all materials to the launch in Newaygo and then pick up all materials and return them to the CTC upon completion of the exercise.  All materials will be cut to length and assembly will be done by teams on site.  After the team is through the exercise a debriefing will be held to discuss the educational experience that has just happened.  All notifications will be through our remind platform.  Lunch will be provided.  The Academic Team will get to work upon our arrival at the CTC as we prepare to put the teachers to work developing a model that will translate to their own programs.


​Step #3: Ongoing - Roles and Responsibilities


·     Academic Team, led by the instructional facilitator will hold monthly build sessions to help all staff develop a blended learning model that will suit the needs of the individual class. 

·     During these build sessions, teachers will be working on concepts that will be usable immediately.  Teachers will have the autonomy to build their class anyway they choose. 

·     Teachers will be encouraged to deploy their creations as soon as they can so they can reflect on what works and what does not work.

·     Failure in creation is merely a learning opportunity and supports will be provided if a rebuild is necessary.  Most of the time minor tweaks to the environment is all that is needed.

·     A Tech Expert will also be made available for any teachers struggling with this side of the concept.


Step #4: Ongoing - In-Class Procedures


·     Teachers will instruct, practice, & assess their work in their own classrooms.

·     Reflections from their launches will be shared at the monthly meetings (what went well & what went wrong)

·     All staff will be a collaborative group sharing and working.

·     Meetings will never fill time; they are for useful engagement only.  If our work is completed early and all questions are answered, then our meeting will conclude.


Step #5: Ongoing - Procedures


·     Mostly minor (sometimes more) tweaks will need to be ongoing.

·     Reflections will be taken very seriously as the end goal is to provide the best learning environment for our students regardless of their arrival/dismissal times.

·     A successful campaign will see students engaged at all levels consistently.  It will reward students who work ahead and will catch up students who fall short.

·     Gone will be the days of wasted time, welcome will be the days of getting out what you put into your learning. 



Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from


Heather Hill. (2015). Review of The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth about Our Quest for Teacher Development. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from


Standards for Professional Learning. (2011). Retrieved from


Standards for Professional Learning: Quick Reference Guide. (2011). Retrieved from


TNTP. (2015). The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development. Retrieved from

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