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Professional Learning Rationale

The Educational landscape drastically changed in the last 3 years.  Hit by a global pandemic, we had to make adjustments to accommodate the needs of our stakeholders.  We had to develop innovative ways to keep education going for our students. 


An oyster spends a ton of time trying to get a grain of sand out of its space.  Working very hard to eliminate this obstacle, the oyster develops a pearl.  We, like the oyster, must also turn our obstacles into opportunities.  This professional learning will take lessons learned through past obstacles and turn them into opportunities to better serve our students in the future. 


Greeting Career-Tech Center Educators!  This video will get you excited about professional development!  Yes, you heard me right.  There is no need to rewind to hear it again.  You will be excited about this learning opportunity!  I know that I am!  This Learning opportunity will not feel like PD in the past.  We will not be piling more on your plate without removing some first.  This year, we will be working together to create a solution to one of our biggest problems.  We will launch this training in August and revisit it monthly throughout the schoolyear.  This will not be a sit and get.  It will be a show and go.  You will be creating solutions that will be directly applicable to your own classroom.

So what is the problem?  Well, its easy.  How many of you have been frustrated with decisions that our sending schools make?  How many have complained about their apparent disregard of our programming?  How many of you have felt that our locals do not think we matter based on autonomy of scheduling.  We see students arriving at different times, some over 20 minutes after the start of class, at the same time we see other school leaving early sometimes 30 minutes before the official end time.  We have students pulled out for math twice a week.  Some schools do late starts, some do early release, some send pm in the am.  We have 7 sending schools who all have homecoming, snowcoming assemblies all on different Fridays which result in limited attendance.  We have students who consistently get suspended.  Students get sick too and sometimes even leave for vacations.  How about college visits and extra curricular activities.  Students get passes to leave early for sports, quiz bowls, band and choir events, and other school related activities.  We see inconsistent scheduling around statewide testing, also have seen transportation as an issue as well as the often snow day, wind day, deer day, and random “we don’t feel like school day.  Some schools like to take the day before the day before thanksgiving off.  I even have had a school say “if so and so shows up to your class, send him home because he didn’t come here today”

Phew!  That was a mouthful!  Instead of complaining, how about we try explaining how to solve this issue!  We must remain positive and create our own methods to better serve our students.  Waiting for 7 people to get together to find common ground is like waiting for the second coming of Christ.  We have a solution available right in front of us!  Covid has given us a blueprint and I am excited to work with you as we interpret the prints and create that foundation so that the local shenanigans do not affect us near as much!  Completing this learning and application, we will be removing a pile from our plates.  I am excited to see you in August as we will launch our learning.  This launch will not be in the classroom.  I will be sending a link to your email that you need to follow to complete a quick homework assignment the week before we are set to appear back to the Career-Tech Center!



Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from 


TNTP. (2015). The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development. Retrieved from

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