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Why – We must embrace technology to reach this generation of learners so that we can make a positive impact that will influence the leaders of tomorrow.


Where were you when Pearl Harbor was attacked?  Too much?  How about the Kennedy Assassination, or the 9/11 Attacks?  Chances are there have been moments in your life that have impacted you to the point you can remember exactly what you were doing when you got the call or saw the first news report.  COVID did that to the entire world.  Panic ensued, as people did not know how to handle this invisible threat that they were facing.  I continue to look at the quality of education that so many students received when schools, who were justly unprepared, scrambled to patch together what was left of their schoolyear.


Imagine if we had more blended models in play prior to the virus attack.  Students could have transitioned seamlessly and carried out the remainder of their studies.  Sure, many would still be at a loss without the face-to-face interaction, but at least we could have salvaged learning.  Utilizing technology earlier in my class could have helped students exponentially.  Scrambling to deploy communication using the Remind app enabled me to keep in touch with students.  It allowed me to check in to see how they were handling the pandemic.

Deploying my innovation plan will do so much more than simply adding technology to the curriculum.  It will allow communication lines to remain open when they typically are distant (evenings, weekends, holidays).  Students will be able to keep up when they must miss time as they quarantine because of a close contact or even a positive COVID test.  Beating the effects of COVID is only a small reason that using a blended model will impact learners of today.


There are too many careers in the Construction Trades to be able to properly explore in a year or even two.  Not every student that leaves my class will be an electrician.  Part of my innovation plan is to allow the student to be a self-guided learner.  Properly utilizing technology will allow the student to go on a journey of their choosing into a career.  Students will become masters of solving their own problems as they travel through the resource-rich pathway desired.


How - To do this, we create a significant learning environment (CSLE) that gives our learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic (COVA) learning opportunities.


What – We prepare learners who can seek to improve their skills by using a wealth of resources available to them at the touch of a button.

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