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Action Research Outline


Action Research Outline


  1. Introduction:  I have chosen to research blended learning flex model, a topic that will be very significant in my class now and in the future.  All the teachers in my building are constantly frustrated with the pains of having students come from 7 different schools.  Only having the entirety of the class in front of us for 1.75 hours of a 2.5-hour class gets challenging.  Working with a flex model will solve many of the attendance issues as the students will now drive their own education and know every week what is expected of them in person or online.  Instead of being a part of the problem, I have chosen to be a part of the solution.  How can we effectively alter our way of doing business to adapt to these challenges and provide an educational benefit for both students and teachers?  My hope is that with the data collected from this action research I will be able to have concrete evidence to support what I have been working on.

    1. Action Research Topic:  Blended Learning / Student Centered Google Classroom

    2. Purpose of Study: This action research will examine if a classroom with a student-centered google classroom increases comprehension of Construction concepts greater than a traditional CTC program with no student-centered google classroom in place. In addition, this action research will also examine student perceptions on a classroom with a student-centered google classroom opposed to a traditional classroom.

  2. Fundamental Research Questions

    1. Does an CTC Construction Trades classroom with a student-centered google classroom site in place have higher comprehension of Construction concepts as opposed to a classroom without a student-centered google classroom site?

    2. What perceptions do students have of a classroom with a student-centered site oppose to a traditional classroom with no student-centered classroom site?

  3. Research Design: Qualitative

    1. Why? I chose to use qualitative measurements as a design for my research questions because student responses are great way to measure the development and launch of the blended model. Student buy-in and reflections will help to create a successful model for students now and in the future.

  4. What the Most Appropriate Data to Collect

    1. Types of Measurement Instruments

      1. Student Interviews (Qualitative)

      2. Student Polls (Qualitative)

      3. Google Forms Surveys (Qualitative)

  5. Focus of Literature Review The focus of my literature review will be a look into Blended Learning, more specifically The Flex Model. Implementing a student-centered classroom site is a possibility that falls under the blended learning approaches.

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